德国马尔堡大学英美文学系教授Dr. Volker Bischoff应邀将于2007年9月10—9月28日来我们讲学。Dr. Volker Bischoff教授曾在美国普渡大学、哈佛大学、伊利诺斯州立大学、米歇根州立大学、芝加哥大学、以及德国汉堡大学任教或从事研究工作。此次来我们讲学的主要论题将涉及美国现当代文学和西方后现代文艺理论,具体内容如下:
I Modern Literature
week 1 lecture class: The New Poetry (Pound/Eliot)
discussion class: "In a Station of the Metro"
week 2 lecture class: Lost Generation (Fitzgerald/Hemingway)
discussion class: "Gatsby's house was still empty...."
week 3 lecture class: Plays of the Late Forties (Miller/Williams)
discussion class: "Requiem"
II Postmodern Literature
week 1 lecture class: Metafiction (Pynchon/Barth)
discussion class: "For whom is the funhouse fun?..."
week 2 lecture class: Theatre of the Absurd (Albee)
discussion class: "Which theater is the absurd one..."
week 3 lecture class: Language Poetry (Mac Low/ Bernstein)
discussion class: "A Defense of Poetry"
III Literary Theory
week 1 lecture class: "The words on the page" (The New Critics)
discussion class: "The poem as organism"
week 2 lecture class: Mise en abime: Deconstruction and Criticism
discussion class: "How Deconstruction Works"
week 3 lecture class: "The Empire Writes Back": Postcolonialism
discussion class: "Thorow"
I Modern American Literature
Pound, Ezra:Canto XIII, Canto XLV, Canto LIII
Eliot, T.S.:The Waste Land
Fitzgerald, F. Scott:The Great Gatsby
Hemingway, Ernest:The Sun Also Rises
Miller, Arthur:Death of a Salesman
Williams, Tennessee:A Streetcar Named Desire
II Postmodern American Literature
Pynchon, Thomas:Entropy
Barth, John:Lost in the Funhouse (short story)
Albee, Edward:Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Mac Low, Jackson:Words nd Ends from Ez
Bernstein, Charles:with strings
III Literary Theory
Brooks, Cleanth and Robert Penn Warren:Understanding Poetry
Bloom, Harold et al.:Deconstruction and Criticism
Ashcroft, Bill et al.:The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures