雷竞技官网特邀美国作家和研究者德博拉·法洛斯(Deborah Fallows)来我们举行学术讲座,请雷竞技官网教师、全院研究生按时参加,也欢迎全校师生踊跃参加。
讲座时间:6月21日(周一) 上午10:30-11:50
德博拉•法洛斯是作家和研究者。最近三年她与丈夫吉姆. 法洛斯(《大西洋月刊》)居住在上海和北京,她写了一本关于她一些自身经历的书,叫做《用中文做梦》(Dreaming in Chinese)。她将于今年夏天在北京和上海做研究并推广这本书。她的研究领域包括电子邮件、垃圾信息和网络日常生活。德博拉最近在氧气媒体工作,她在那里担任数据架构主管。她在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得语言学博士并在哈佛获得本科学位。德博拉曾为《大西洋月刊》、《国家地理》、《洛杉矶时报杂志》、(纽约)《新闻周刊》、《美国新闻与世界报道》、《华盛顿邮报》和《华盛顿月刊》写过很多篇关于教育、健康、家庭和工作、以及旅游方面的文章。她写的书,《母亲的职责》(A Mother's Work),由霍顿•米夫林出版。德博拉也曾在乔治城大学担任语言与语言学学院助理院长以及本科招生助理主任。
Deborah Fallows is a Senior Research Fellow at the Pew Research Center.
"Research areas: Email, Spam, and Everyday life on the Web. Deb worked most recently at Oxygen Media, where she was Director of Data Architecture. She has a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin and an A.B. from Harvard. Deb has written many pieces about education, health, families and work, and travel for The Atlantic Monthly, National Geographic, The LA Times Magazine, Newsweek, US News & World Report, The Washington Post and The Washington Monthly. Her book, A Mother's Work, was published by Houghton-Mifflin. Deb also worked at Georgetown University as Assistant Dean for the School of Languages and Linguistics and as Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions."
She recently spent 3 years living in Shanghai and Beijing with her husband Jim Fallows (The Atlantic Monthly) and has written a book about some of her experiences called "Dreaming in Chinese." She will be in Beijing and Shanghai this summer doing research and promoting this book.
Lecture Topic: Exact title will be confirmed later, but the theme will be tips on studying English, “The Dos and Don’ts of studying a foreign language and Internet in America” from the perspective of an American linguistics Ph.D who has studied Chinese. Mrs. Fallows will use some examples from her recent book “Dreaming in Chinese” to illustrate her points. (中英文简介均由校国际交流处提供)