主讲人:Prof. Harvey Teres(2013年美国富布莱特学者,美国雪城大学英文系教授)
讲座题目:Thirteen Ways of Reading a Book
讲座内容:Since the wane of the new criticism and Russian formalism in the 1960s, academic literary theorists have developed many new and exciting ways to interpret texts, whether they are books, movies, advertisements, or other social documents. These include structuralism, deconstruction, feminism, queer theory, Marxism, psychoanalytic, reader response, African American/race, post-colonial, and the new historicism. The 13th way of reading will be revealed in the lecture.
时间:2013年4月19日(周五) 上午9:45 – 11:45
Harvey Teres教授还将于本周五晚上七点在东九楼C301举办题为“An Introduction to American Cultures:Five Key dynamics” 的讲座,请大家前往聆听。
Prof. Harvey Teres 简介
Harvey Teres is Professor of English and former Director of Judaic Studies at Syracuse University. He is the author of the recently published The Word on the Street: Linking the Academy and the Common Reader (University of Michigan Press, 2011) and Renewing The Left: Politics, Imagination, and the New York Intellectuals (Oxford University Press, 1996). His forthcoming book is entitled Somebody Loves Us All: Dialogues on Aesthetics With Ordinary People. He has written dozens of essays, articles, and reviews in scholarly journals.
Professor Teres was born in the Bronx and raised in Los Angeles. He received his B.A. from Cornell University, after which he spent six years working as a labor organizer in the factories of Chicago. He then earned his doctorate at the University of Chicago, has taught at Princeton University and, for the past eighteen years, at Syracuse University. His fields of expertise include 20th-century American literature and culture and Jewish American literature. His current teaching and scholarly priorities involve bridging the gap between the academic humanities and surrounding communities.