外国语言研究中心特邀请美国爱荷华大学Russell Ganim教授前来我们举行讲座。欢迎老师和同学参加。
主讲人:Russell Ganim
题目:The Virtual is Real: Global Classrooms and International Education
时间:2013年6月27日(星期四)15:00 - 17:00
This presentation argues that because student lives are more technologically and globally focused, instructional models must become that way, also. As educators, we must increasingly find ways to collaborate in order to innovate and to deal with constraints on resources. Global classrooms can take various forms, but have many common elements: 1) joint agreements and shared curricula between partner universities, 2) technological infrastructure that facilitates the implementation of these courses, 3) an emphasis on student to student contact within a global context, and, optimally, 4) a study abroad component that allows students who have communicated virtually to meet each other on site in order to better personalize their experience. In all instances, the goal is to create global learning communities that initiate contact between students around a specific project and then sustain this communication once the project is complete. In all cases, language acquisition and cultural proficiency must be key elements in designing these programs and in measuring their success. We will examine particular examples of “Global Classrooms” at work, and suggest ideas for possible modification and improvement.
Russell Ganim教授简介
Russell Ganim earned his PhD in French Language and Literature at the University of Virginia in 1992. He is Professor of French and Director of the Division of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures, in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa. Ganim began his appointment at Iowa in July 2011 after working eighteen years at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
A teacher and scholar of seventeenth-century French literature, Ganim's scholarship includes publications on baroque poetry, the early modern novel, and French cinema. He has served as President of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature. For nine years, Ganim co-edited the scholarly journal EMF: Studies in Early Modern France and its monograph series, EMF Critiques. A member and former co-acting director of the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, his digital projects include a website, “Images of Power in Louis XIV’s France" and a bibliographical journal, French 17. He has been an administrator for the last twelve years, and is active in distance education initiatives, grant projects, fundraising, international education, and in promoting service learning and outreach.
At Iowa, in addition to serving as Director of the Division of World Languages, he is also interim Chair of the Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures Department, as well as interim Chair of the Department of German.