语言学研究中心特邀请Stephen Bremner博士来我们进行学术交流,欢迎广大师生参加。
讲座题目:Beyond language: What it takes to succeed in English in the workplace
English graduates entering the contemporary workplace face a range of challenges that go well beyond a mastery of language. At the heart of this is the fact that academic and professional contexts differ in so many ways. These relate to issues such as purpose and audience, the multiple inputs that writers and speakers need to draw upon when communicating, the power relationships that can be found in the different settings, the centrality and nature of collaboration, intercultural factors, and the variety of communication channels that are available. Alongside these, in order to become successful members of their new community of practice, graduates who join an organization must find ways to learn about their new work environment and its culture. This talk will outline some of the challenges that fresh entrants to the workplace might encounter, and will discuss ways in which they can be addressed
Stephen Bremner博士简介
Dr Stephen Bremner is Associate Head of the Department of English at City University of Hong Kong. His research is concerned with the nature of workplace communication, and how students make the transition from the academy to the workplace, and he has published on these topics in journals such as English for Specific Purposes and Written Communication. He studied Arabic and Turkish at the University of Oxford, and has an MA in Education from the University of London. He went on to do his PhD at City University of Hong Kong, where he now teaches courses relating to genre studies and English for Specific Purposes, as well as business and organisational communication. He is co-editor (with Vijay Bhatia) of the Handbook of Language and Professional Communication (Routledge), due to be published in early 2014. He has worked in Egypt, Russia, China, the United Arab Emirates and the UK.