语言学研究中心特邀请美国韦恩州立大学教务长Margaret E. Winters教授到我们讲学。讲座题目为:
Language Change in a Cognitive Linguists Context
时间:2014年3月18日(周二) 上午 10:00
地点:科技楼南楼 308 室
Margaret E. Winters has been at Wayne State since 2002. She became provost after holding other administrative positions including associate provost for academic personnel, founding chair of the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CMLLC), a merger of four academic departments in 2007. Previously, she was chair of Romance Languages and Literatures. From 1977-2002 she worked at Southern Illinois University Carbondale both in administration and as a member of the faculty.
Dr. Winters is professor of French and Linguistics in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Her research interests are in historical semantics and the history of the Romance languages, both within the framework of cognitive linguistics. Dr. Winters has published in these fields in a variety of scholarly journals in North America and Europe and in volumes of collected papers. She has also published two editions of Old French courtly romances and co-edited two volumes, one of papers in applied linguistics with Professor Geoffrey Nathan, also at Wayne State University, and the other a book of papers on semantic change. Dr. Winters is working on a textbook of historical linguistics and papers on semantics and the history of linguistic theory. She is a member of the Board of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association.
She has been active in academic administration since 1987, first as chair of Foreign Languages at Southern Illinois University. Dr. Winters also served there as associate provost and, for more than two years, as provost before moving to Detroit. At Wayne State she was first an associate provost and then chair of Romance Languages and Literatures and CMLLC respectively. Her administrative experience as associate provost at both universities has been primarily in academic personnel, including labor relations, where her work in semantics proved to be good background.
Dr. Winters is vice president of the Board of the Sholem Aleichem Institute, a Yiddish-based group in the Detroit area and member of the Board of the Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies. She is a graduate of Leadership Detroit XXVI (2004-2005).
A native of New York City, she attended Brooklyn College. She spent a year in France after receiving her B.A. and subsequently did graduate work at the University of California Riverside (M.A.) and the University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D.).