外语教育研究中心特邀请西交利物浦大学Amanda Hilmarsson-Dunn博士来我们举行讲座。欢迎老师和同学们参加。
主讲人:Amanda Hilmarsson-Dunn 博士
时间: 2014年5月30日(星期五)下午3:00-4:30
地点: 科技楼南楼109
1)学术报告(60分钟),题目是:World Englishes debate: standard versus non-standard forms in ELT?
2)Seminar (30分钟),主题是英语学术论文撰写与投稿,以ETiC 期刊投稿审稿为例。
The aim of this presentation is to introduce the concept of world Englishes. First, the presenter will show the demographic distribution of native and non-native speakers of English in the world and explain how English has risen to its present status as the language of international communication. This will be followed by an explanation of why languages are standardised and why standardisation is necessary in relation to the acceptance of new Englishes. Finally, the implications for language teaching will be discussed with particular reference to China.
Amanda Hilmarsson-Dunn博士的学术报告,关注英语作为国际通用语的多样性特征,与卫乃兴和Alex Fang两位教授研究的标准英语(standard English)形成较鲜明对比。
Amanda Hilmarsson-Dunn博士,毕业于南安普敦大学,西交利物浦大学副教授,ETiC主编,研究方向为World Englishes.