讲座题目:Conflicting Voices on Gender Characterization of Early 20th Century China: Two Chinese Translations of Lady Windermere’s Fan
主讲嘉宾:朱一凡 教授
Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892) is a comedy and a satire targeting the value of conventional Victorian gender characterization. The two Chinese translations of the play (1918 by Shen Xingren and 1923 by Hong Shen) are a most suitable context for examining the different voices on gender characterization of early 20th Century China because of its rich representation of gender and gender norms. Adopting a corpus-based CDA approach, this study will examine Shen’s and Hong’s translation with a view to identifying shifts in translation in terms of the (re)construction of gender images and roles and how such shifts represent different attitudes towards gender norms in early Republic China.
朱一凡,女,博士,上海交通大学雷竞技官网教授,博士生导师。主持首批国家级一流课程“综合英语(1-4)”课程的建设。作为主要成员参与的研究生培养双阶梯的改革建设获上海市教学成果奖一等奖(2018),国家级教学成果奖二等奖(2019)。近年来主要从事汉英对比与翻译、语料库译学、翻译与跨文化研究,翻译教学等领域的研究。主持国家社会科学基金项目2项,主持教育部项目1项,在Translation and Interpreting Studies, Discourse & Society, Interventions, Perspectives, Babel,《外国语》《中国翻译》《外语教学》《当代修辞学》《外语电化教学》《外语研究》《中国外语》等期刊发表论文三十余篇,出版专著两部《翻译与现代汉语的变迁(1905-1936)》(2011)、《基于语料库的英汉翻译对当代汉语影响的研究》(2018),合作专著一部《语料库翻译学》(2017)。担任Across Languages and Cultures (SSCI)、JoSTrans (SSCI)期刊学术委员,Interventions (SSCI)专栏客座主编,Routledge出版社Translation in Translation Studies系列丛书联合主编。