讲座题目:Individual Differences in Computer Assisted Language Learning
腾讯会议ID:954 201 213 密码:220602
主讲人:Mirosław Pawlak
Mirosław Pawlak is Professor of English at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland, and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Applied Sciences, Konin, Poland. His research interests include form-focused instruction, corrective feedback, learner autonomy, learning strategies, motivation, willingness to communicate, emotions in L2 learning and teaching, study abroad and pronunciation teaching. Mirosław Pawlak is Editor-in-Chief of journals Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching and Konin Language Studies, and the book series Second Language Learning and Teaching (Springer). He has published over three hundred books, edited collections, book chapters and journal articles.
Empirical investigations into the role of individual differences (ID) have always represented one of the most vibrant lines of inquiry in research into second language acquisition (SLA) and researchers have constantly been on the lookout for novel theoretical paradigms, methodological solutions and new constructs (e.g., Dörnyei, 2005; Dörnyei & Ryan, 2015; Ellis, 2008; Li, Hiver, & Papi, 2022; Pawlak, 2020, 2021). Not surprisingly, research into IDs has also figured prominently in the domain of computer assisted language learning (CALL) but it has been lagging behind SLA in many respects.
The talk provides an overview of the latest theoretical developments in research on IDs in SLA as well as methodological considerations that are crucial when researching individual variation, with special emphasis on data-collection procedures that are most prominent in CALL. It then goes on to synthesize the body of empirical evidence concerning the role of individual difference factors in CALL, singling out existing gaps, methodological problems and areas in need of investigation. Finally, some guidelines are provided on how empirical studies of ID factors in CALL can be improved by incorporating the latest developments from the broader field of SLA.
