受我们比较文化(文学)研究中心邀请,上海财经大学Sandro Jung教授将线上为我们师生进行题为“鲁滨逊的物质性:对鲁滨逊的历时性具身性解读”的讲座。
讲座题目:“Material Crusoe: Embodying and Understanding Robinson Crusoe through Time”
讲座时间:2021年12月23日 上午9:30-11:00
Sandro Jung教授简介:

Despite the classic-canonic status that Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (1719) enjoys within world literature, its reception, up-take, and appropriation has been one-sidedly mapped. This lecture aims to introduce a largely neglected history of how producers of material culture (ranging from children’s nursery plates and ceramic figurines to pop-up books and advertising cards) drew on the consumers’ knowledge of the protagonist’s adventures on the desert island. Producers of nineteenth-century Robinson Crusoe wallpaper likely sought to promote a model of the pious but, at the same time, enterprising and adventurous Crusoe to children, while cigarette cards appropriated (and visually updated) Crusoe and Man Friday as particular instances of modern masculinity worth emulating. This lecture will introduce the wide-ranging material culture that emerged in response to (and that adapted) Defoe’s story. It will explain how the work was made to function within the consumer economy of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and conclude with a consideration of its brandable, iconic status that was harnessed for advertising and marketing.