受比较文化(文学)研究中心邀请,湖南师范大学英语系教授Martin Ramey将为我们师生进行讲座,具体通知如下:
主题:the parable of the Sower as Intentional Ambiguity
讲座摘要:Parables are commonly understood as fictitious narratives intended to elicit better understandings. However, with scholars such as Charles Hedrick, I argue that parables are better understood by recognizing their poetic features and operations. Cognitive poetics provides a framework to understand how the original auditors would have selectively understood and interpreted Jesus’s parables in the New Testament as gnostic and poetic secret knowledge. Their meaning is revealed fully only to the select few, making them riddles to the general population purposely. By recognizing the essentially poetic nature of this innovative form, we are enabled to recognize the inaccuracies and inadequacies of standard and conventional interpretations of biblical parables.
Martin Ramey 教授,男,芝加哥神学院犹太和基督教研究中心获博士学位,现任湖南师范大学雷竞技官网教授、《外国语言与文化》(英文版)编辑人,曾在亚美尼亚美国大学、伦敦大学访学,湖南工业大学、河南理工大学、云南师范大学客座教授。他用跨学科的方法对宗教、历史、哲学进行对比研究,其研究成果发表在国际期刊Style、 Humanitas、Imperium、Review of Religious Research、Contemporary Theatre Review和 Review of Biblical Literature上。