讲座题目:L2 writing syntactic complexity research: Time for a functional turn?
讲座时间:2018年5月17日周四上午9: 00 – 10:30
陆小飞,美国俄亥俄州立大学语言学博士;现任美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学应用语言学系研究生部主任、副教授、博士生导师、广东外语外贸大学云山讲座教授、raybet官网客座教授、中山大学英语水平考试顾问。主要研究领域为语料库语言学、学术英语、二语写作、二语习得及计算机辅助教学。在Springer出版专著Computational Methods for Corpus Annotation and Analysis;在Applied Linguistics、Educational Researcher、International Journal of Corpus Linguistics、TESOL Quarterly、The Modern Language Journal等SSCI权威期刊发表论文近30篇;开发的二语句法复杂度分析器和词汇复杂度分析器得到国际上二语写作与习得研究者的广泛应用。担任中国学术英语教学研究会国际顾问,Journal of Second Language Writing等7种国内外期刊编委或顾问,Applied Linguistics等近40种国际期刊特约审稿人,剑桥大学出版社等7家国际出版社书稿审阅人,美国国家科学基金会和托福考试委员会等研究项目书特约评审,国际计算语言学学会等10余种国际学术会议程序委员会委员。应邀到美国教育考试服务中心、哥伦比亚大学、塔夫茨大学、巴黎第七大学、图宾根大学等20余所大学和机构做学术报告30余次; 共同主持或参与美国教育部、美国Spencer基金、中国国家社科基金、教育部社科基金等资助的多个研究项目。
L2 writing syntactic complexity research: Time for a functional turn?
Syntactic complexity refers to the range of syntactic structures that are produced and the degree of sophistication of such structures. With the advent of multiple computational tools designed to automate syntactic complexity analysis using a range of different measures, numerous quantitative studies have been conducted to examine the relationship of syntactic complexity to L2 proficiency, development, and writing quality. In this talk, I start with a brief overview of the computational tools widely used in L2 writing syntactic complexity research and the scope and findings of recent quantitative research on L2 writing syntactic complexity enabled by these tools. I then argue for the need for the field to move beyond purely form-based quantitative investigations toward a functional approach to L2 writing syntactic complexity. I illustrate the new insights such a research approach can generate for L2 writing pedagogy and assessment with examples from two ongoing projects, one on analyzing the rhetorical functions of syntactically complex sentences in social science research article introductions, the other on evaluating the extent to which complexity-function mappings contribute to ratings of L2 writing quality.