我们翻译研究中心特邀请巴西米纳斯吉拉斯联邦大学(Federal University of Minas Gerais)国际事务处主任、翻译实验室主任Fabio Alves教授来我们进行学术讲座,欢迎全院师生踊跃参加。
讲座题目:Triangulating translation: perspectives in process-oriented research
讲座时间:2017年12月11日( 周一)10:00 – 11:30
After thirty years of continuous research, translation process research has certainly come of age and the acronym TPR is now a consolidated reference for this field of study (Alves, Hurtado Albir 2017). Exploring TPR as a sub-discipline in the making, this lecture will present a chronological overview of research on cognitive aspects of translation and will build on the concept of triangulation (Alves 2003) as a sailing metaphor to reflect about the origins, the development and the future of disparate strands in TPR. In short, the aim of this lecture is twofold. First, it will look into the development of TPR and address issues related to the use of concurrent and retrospective verbal reports, key logging, eye tracking, and neuroimaging techniques. Secondly, it will discuss how research paradigms have changed over the last three decades and will look into the future to present a vision of what lies ahead for TPR.