应翻译研究中心邀请,英国杜伦大学Sergey Tyulenev博士将来我们讲学,具体通知如下:
讲座题目:Communicating Through Translation
讲座时间:2017年3月28日(星期二)上午 10:00 –11:30
Translation is a social agency. Translation permeates the social. It allows transferring phenomena across boundaries. Translation is commonly seen as transparent, i.e. as transferring whatever passes through it without any changes, except purely linguistic. This is a naïve view as Translation Studies has shown conclusively. Drawing on Roman Jakobson’s tripartite classification of translation, The speaker will discuss:
(1)Intralingual translation which features in negotiations within one linguistic domain, which may, despite its seeming straightforwardness, be a challenge, because translation within one language is always interpersonal and very often crosscultural, when people speaking the same language in a multinational state represent different social strata and subcultures, or such intralingual translation may be required between nation-states using the same language yet that language operates within different ecologies, sociocultural environments;
(2)Interlingual translation which is always there in international communication yet rarely, if ever, is taken into account or, if mentioned, is played down by theorists of international affairs, political scientists, sociologists;
(3)Intersemiotic translation is closer to the type of negotiation in the more and more diversified and internationalised social sphere today: translation can and should be theorised as it happens not only in the realm of human language, but also between different sign systems, such as body language, values, aesthetical preferences etc.
He will also discuss the agency of translation: it can be represented by an agent (a translator/interpretor) or it can be internal (when the parties involved ‘translate’ one another’s words, values, claims for themselves). It can also be individual or collective.
Dr Sergey Tyulenev简介
Dr Sergey Tyulenev is the Director of the MA in Translation Studies at Durham University, UK. His academic expertises include translation theory; sciology of translation, historiography of translation, history of translation in Russia, English-Russian translation, Russian as a foreign language. He has widely published on linguistic, cultural and social aspects of translation, translation historiography and the epistemology of translation studies. His recent publications include Translation and Society: An Introduction( Routledge,2014), Applying Luhmann to Translation Studies (Routledge,2012), Translation and the Westernization of Eighteenth-Century Russia (Frank & Timme,201),Theory of Translation(Gardariki. 2004), Translation as a Means of Stylistic Analysis of the Literary Work of Art (Gotika. 2000).
Personal website: www.tyulenev.org.