受语言学研究中心邀请,美国韦恩州立大学英语系教授Geoffrey Nathan将来我们讲学,具体通知如下:
讲座题目:What does Phonology look like in Cognitive Grammar?
时间:2016年3月16日(星期三)上午 10:00 – 12:00
Cognitive Grammar holds that the structure of language is abstracted or schematized from instances of its use (the theory is ‘usage-based’). This has resulted in views of the nature of language that differ radically from the dominant generative paradigm.
This talk will explore the ways in which phonology is governed by principles that go beyond simply generalizing from experienced instances. The integration between the external evidence we are exposed to in acquiring phonology, and the vocal tracts and perceptual systems we share has much more influence than is the case with the structures of words, sentences and other aspects of language.
Some of the phonological concepts I will review include:
(1) The size and nature of phonological storage units (Are there phonemes? Syllables? Larger units? All of the above?),
(2) Are stored units are transduced in some way before they are pronounced and ‘undone’ as they are perceived (i.e. are phonological processes psychologically real?),
(3) What ‘alphabet’ are phonological representations written in? (are representations fully specified, minimally specified, distinctly specified for each instantiation). What is the reality of features?
(4) To what extent does the implementation of phonology, i.e. of speech sounds, overlap or even merge with the implementation of musical behavior, sign language or even dancing?
Finally I will explore the boundaries of phonology, examining whether the ultimate physical implementation of phonology (either as articulatory gestures or as the perception of sound waves) creates a demarcation of phonological, as opposed to morphophonological or morphological organizational principles.
Geoffrey Nathan教授简介:
Geoffrey S. Nathan is a professor of Linguistic Program at the Department of English, Wayne State University. He is also a member of Linguistic Society of America, Acoustical Society of America, International Phonetic Association and International Cognitive Linguistic Society. He has also acted as Reviewer for National Science Foundation Grant, Studies in Second Language Acquisition and Phonetica etc. His publication covers research areas such as First Language Acquisition, Linguistics, Phonetics/Phonology and Sociolinguistics. More recently his research interest lies in usage-based approach to phonology.