应雷竞技官网语言学研究中心邀请,国际认知语言学会前任主席、国际著名认知语言学家德国汉堡大学荣休教授 Klaus-Uwe Panther和国际著名认知语言学家Linda L. Thornburg教授将为我们师生举办两场讲座,欢迎对认知语言学、认知语用学、语法构式等领域感兴趣的老师和同学参加。
讲座一:The Embodied Metaphors of Speech Acts
主讲人:Klaus-Uwe Panther教授和Linda L. Thornburg教授
时间:2024年4月9日 18:30-20:30
地点:腾讯会议号:228483100 密码:040909
主讲人:Klaus-Uwe Panther教授和Linda L. Thornburg教授
时间:2024年4月11日 18:30-20:30
地点:腾讯会议号:640780593 密码: 041112
In this talk we present a qualitative analysis of verbal expressions in English that literally denote bodily activity – movement – but, interestingly, can be used to convey speech acts – more specifically, illocutionary acts in the sense of Austin (1962) and Searle (1969), e.g. Commissives such as I give you my promise that p, Expressives such as I extend my deepest thanks to..., and Declarations such as I hereby withdraw my petition. We argue that the relationship between bodily and linguistic action is motivated iconically, i.e. metaphorically (see e.g. Radden 2021), and often also indexically, i.e. metonymically. Furthermore, we demonstrate the centrality of knowledge structures – e.g. action and speech act scenarios, folk models, cognitive schemas, etc. derived from and embedded in social and cultural contexts – that provide the input for the extended inferential mechanisms of conceptual metaphor and metonymy. Questions for future research are presented.
In this talk we argue that understanding the grammatical structure and meaning of English verbs converted from animal names (e.g. rat out, beaver away, clam up) requires a conceptual apparatus that includes:
• Cultural models of animals
• Metaphorical mappings
• Metonymic inferences
• Spatial schemas
Although cultural and cognitive models leave traces in lexico-grammatical structure, they are often scientifically outdated, reflecting merely ways of speaking rather than ways of thinking.
Klaus-Uwe Panther is Professor Emeritus at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He was a founding member of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association and served as its president (2004–2008). He also served as president of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (2005–2007). His research interests include cognitive linguistics and pragmatics, with a special focus on the interaction of grammatical structure and conceptual-pragmatic meaning. Since the mid-1990s, he has collaborated and published widely with Linda L. Thornburg, especially on the centrality of conceptual metonymy as a motivational factor in language structure and use. Panther’s latest monograph Introduction to Cognitive Pragmatics (John Benjamins) was published in 2022.
Linda Thornburg holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Southern California (1984). She has taught at California State University, Fresno; Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; Hamburg University; and Southern Illinois University. In the mid-1990s she began collaborating with Klaus Panther and together they have produced many articles on conceptual metonymy, cognitive pragmatics (speech act constructions), cognitive morphology, grammatical constructions, and grammatical and lexical aspect. Their publications include Metonymy and Pragmatic Inferencing (2003), Metonymy and Metaphor in Grammar (2009, with Antonio Barcelona), Motivation and Inference: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach (2017).