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【讲座题目】Chinese Anger Metaphor Revisited: Body, Culture, and Language
【讲座时间】2024年5月17日 星期五 15:00-16:30
Linguistic study of how emotions are expressed metaphorically is one of the central areas of interdisciplinary research on metaphor. Such study, if conducted systematically, can help bring to light the intricate relationship between body, culture, and language in metaphorical conceptualization. Based on Lakoff and Kövecses’ (1987) study on anger metaphor in American English, Yu (1995) contains a lexical study of anger metaphors in Chinese in comparison with English. It was found that anger is conceptualized in terms of “heat” (i.e., rise of body temperature) and “internal pressure” (i.e., body, or a part of it, as a container) in both English and Chinese as a result of embodied understanding of emotion. Hence, the HEAT metaphor (ANGER IS HEAT) is applicable in both languages. At a more specific level, however, English and Chinese exhibit both a commonality and a discrepancy. They share the FIRE metaphor (ANGER IS FIRE), but differ in the second one: the FLUID metaphor (ANGER IS FLUID IN HEATED CONTAINER) in English vs. the GAS metaphor (ANGER IS GAS IN HEATED CONTAINTER) in Chinese. Ever since that study was done three decades ago, metaphor research has undergone much development, including the emergence, growth, and flourish of multimodal and corpus-based studies. This talk on Chinese anger metaphor will present some multimodal evidence and new results from linguistic research. The linguistic part is based on a recent study, using mixed methods of lexical and corpus-based approaches, which will appear in a milestone volume (Kövecses et al., in press) that comprises studies of anger metaphors in dozens of different languages over the world.
Ning Yu is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Asian Studies at The Pennsylvania State University. His research interests lie in the relationship between language, culture, and cognition, cognitive linguistics, and the cognitive approach to metaphor studies. His publications include The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: A Perspective from Chinese (Benjamins 1998), The Chinese HEART in a Cognitive Perspective: Culture, Body, and Language (de Gruyter 2009), and From Body to Meaning in Culture: Papers on Cognitive Semantic Studies of Chinese (Benjamins 2009). Yu’s latest monograph, The Moral Metaphor System: A Conceptual Metaphor Approach, was published from Oxford University Press in 2022.