主讲人:Peter I. De Costa
讲座1题目 :Classroom-based Qualitative Research (CBQR): Methodological Prospects and Possibilities
The classroom continues to be a crucial site of research for second language acquisition (SLA). In particular, close in-depth analyses of classroom interaction and its impact on language development has been the focus of qualitative SLA researchers who often adopt conversation analysis, case study and ethnography as their preferred methodological approach. Building on these developments and the growing interest in examining the social and contextual factors that affect language learning in both the physical and virtual language classroom, I engage in a critical discussion of classroom-based qualitative research by (1) providing an overview of the main qualitative methodologies used in L2 classroom research, and (2) examining contemporary theoretical constructs and issues related to qualitative research carried out in classroom settings.
讲座2题目 :Researching Teaching Emotions in Language Education: An Action Research Perspective
Given the action research (e.g., Banegas & Consoli, 2021; Ustuk, 2021) turn in applied linguistics, I briefly explore how action research can be deployed in order to explore issues related to teacher emotions. I start with a broad overview of the language teacher emotion landscape. Following that, I present underlying principles that characterize action research. The remainder of the seminar examines how these principles can be applied to better understand the increasing pressures teachers encounter in educational institutions.
Peter I. De Costa is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages & Cultures and the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University, where he directs the Master’s in TESOL program in the College of Arts & Letters. He is also the English as a Second Language (ESL) graduate director in the College of Education. As a critical applied linguist, his research areas include emotions, identity, ideology and ethics in language learning, language teaching, and language policy. In addition, his ecologically- and social justice-oriented work looks at the intersection between second language acquisition (SLA), second language teacher education (SLTE), and language policy. He is the co-editor of TESOL Quarterly and the President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics.