Fan Pan & Yiying Yang.2025. Diachronic change in lexical complexity of research articles (1970-2020): Economics vs. medicine. Scientometrics. (SSCI)
Fan Pan, Ming Nie. 2025.Diachronic change of noun phrase complexity in the IMRD sections of medical research articles (1970-2020). Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (SSCI)
Fan Pan &Yiying Yang.2024.Diachronic changes in the phrasal complexity of research articles (1970-2020): A cross-disciplinary perspective. Scientometrics. (SSCI)
Yiying Yang & Fan Pan.2024. Diachronic changes in syntactic complexity of science research articles: A comparative study of Medicine and Mechanical Engineering. Scientometrics. (SSCI)
Juanjuan Wu & Fan Pan. 2023. Changing patterns of the grammatical stance devices in medical research articles (1970-2020). Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (SSCI)
Fan Pan, Randi Reppen & Douglas Biber. 2020. Methodological issues in contrastive lexical bundle research: The influence of corpus design on bundle identification. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 25(2). (SSCI)
Fan Pan, Randi Reppen & Douglas Biber. 2016. Comparing patterns of L1 versus L2 English academic professionals: Lexical bundles in Telecommunications research journals. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 21(6): 60–71.(SSCI)
Juanjuan Wu & Fan Pan. 2023. Stance construction via that-clauses in telecommunications research articles: a comparison of L1 and L2 expert writers. Text & Talk. (SSCI)
Fan Pan & Tianran LV. 2025. A diachronic study of self-sourced reporting clauses in mechanical engineering and education. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.(SSCI)
Yiying Yang & Fan Pan. 2023. Informal features in English academic writing: prescriptive advice versus actual practice. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.(SSCI)
Chen Liu & Fan Pan. 2023. Connecting lexical bundles and moves in medical research articles’ Methods section. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. (SSCI)
Shanshan Zhang & Fan Pan. 2023. The Religious Rhetoric of U.S. Presidential Candidates: A Corpus Linguistics Approach to the Rhetorical God Gap. European Journal of Communication. (SSCI)
Xiaoyun Chen & Fan Pan. 2023. Review of Introduction to Corpus Linguistics. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. (SSCI)
Fan Pan & Ming Nie. 2022. Review of Advances in Corpus-based Research on Academic Writing: Effects of Discipline, Register, and Writer Expertise. Journal of Second Language Writing. (SSCI)
Zhen Dong & Fan Pan.2022. Review of Corpus linguistics: A guide to the methodology. Lingua. (SSCI)
Yifan Zhang & Fan Pan.2021. Review of Academic Writing with Corpora: A Resource Book for Data-Driven Learning. Journal of Second Language Writing. (SSCI)
Haiyan Tian & Fan Pan. 2021. Review of Using Corpus Methods to Triangulate Linguistic Analysis. Interaction Studies. (SSCI)
Fan Pan. 2021. Review of 100 tips to avoid mistakes in academic writing and presenting. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. (SSCI)
Fan Pan & Rulan Hu. 2021. Review of The UK ‘at Risk’ -A Corpus Approach to Historical Social Change 1785-2009. Discourse and Society. (SSCI)
Fan Pan. 2020. Methodological differences matter: identification thresholds and corpus composition in lexical bundle research. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. 38(4). (SSCI)
Hui Qi and Fan Pan. 2020. Lexical bundle variation across moves in abstracts of medical research articles. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. 38(2). (SSCI)
Fan Pan & Chen Liu. 2019. Comparing L1-L2 differences in lexical bundles in student and expert writing. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. 37(2). (SSCI)
Fan Pan. 2018. A multidimensional analysis of L1-L2 differences across three advanced levels. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.36 (2). (SSCI)
Fan Pan & Chen Liu. 2018. Corpus linguistics on the move: Exploring and understanding English through corpora. Journal of Linguistics. 36 (2). (SSCI)
Ping Hu & Fan Pan. 2018. English Language Education Policy in Asia. Language Policy. 17 (2). (SSCI)
Fan Pan & Chen Liu. 2018. Regional variation in Written American English. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 23 (2). (SSCI)
Fan Pan. Multi-Dimensional Analysis, 25 years on. 2017. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. Volume 24.(SSCI)
Fan Pan & Rulan Hu. Fundamentals of formulaic language. 2017. Journal of Linguistics. Volume 53 (3).(SSCI)
Fan Pan & Guoxiao Tao. 2017. Text Genres and Registers: The Computation of Linguistic Features. Scientometrics. 113 (3). (SSCI)
Fan Pan. 2016. Corpora and Discourse Studies: Integrating Discourse and Corpora. System. Volume 60. (SSCI)
Fan Pan & Guoxiao Tao. 2016. Signalling Nouns in English: A Corpus-based Discourse Approach. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. Volume 23. (SSCI)
Fan Pan. 2016. Grammatical Complexity in Academic English: Linguistic Change in Writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. Volume 24. (SSCI)
Fan Pan. 2016. Linguistic Variation in Research Articles: When Discipline Tells Only Part of the Story. System. Volume 63.(SSCI)
Fan Pan. Cross-cultural Challenges When Doing Business in China. 2004. Singapore Management Review. Volume 26.
Fan Pan, Zigang, Zhang. 2004. The Impact of National Culture on Decision-making, Research Development and Extension Services.Volume 7.